Thursday, May 02, 2013

SEATTLE: "On higher ed funding, immigration, gun control and the failure of the Democratic Party" (video)

Josh Feit (publicola@SeatleMet) with video (58:00):
My "Last Night" isn't nearly as exciting as Erica's, probably because, rather than being about a pepper-spray riot, it's about a panel discussion I was on called "Civic Cocktail" where people like Seattle Times editor Joni Balter showed up and paid $15 to watch people like me talk about urban agriculture and higher education funding. And, of course, my theory about why the NBA told Seattle "No": it's because the current voting owners didn't want to sign off on a deal that set a precedent where they couldn't rely so heavily on public money and instead had to make a personal guarantee. I didn't actually talk about urban agriculture; that fell to a couple of wonks from the city's Department of Neighborhoods. (I don't know anything about urban agriculture except that Seattle's P-Patch program (editor's note: Josh thought they were called "pea patches," for peas) seems incredibly cool.) MORE...

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