Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Jed Lewsion on Lieberman and Hillary as SOS

"Lieberman Wins, 43-12"
Oh, goody.
"HRC For SoS? What About SoD?"
Ben Smith weighs in with a look at how the possibility of HRC as SOS is causing some (totally understandable) strife within Obama-land, and Al Giordano continues his push to thwart her nomination.

I'm still totally confused. I don't know why Obama would want her as Secretary of State as opposed to, say, Secretary of Defense. For a Democrat, she's a hawk -- think about her support for Kyl-Lieberman, her vote for the Iraq war resolution, and her threat to "totally obliterate" Iran -- but she's still to the left of any Republican Obama might appoint.

SecDef also has as much stature as SecState, the vetting issues with Bill would not be nearly as thorny, and for those who care about such things, her appointment would shatter a glass ceiling at DOD.

Howie P.S.: Ed Schultz is saying that maybe Hillary isn't worth all the grief Bill's Drama will bring to Obamaland.

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