Wednesday, April 06, 2005

''Poll: Two-thirds of Dean activists don't want Kerry or Gore to run in 2008''

WASHINGTON- "A poll of Howard Dean's online activists from his 2004 presidential campaign contains few surprises. Two-thirds of them say they don't want Al Gore or John Kerry, the Democratic Party's nominees from 2000 and 2004, to run for president in 2008. Their top choice is Dean, who's currently chairman of the Democratic National Committee. Illinois Senator Barack Obama (buh-RAHK' oh-BAH'-muh), former North Carolina Senator John Edwards and New York Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton got the most other support for a 2008 run, with Kerry and Gore far behind. The survey was conducted by the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press. Dean has said he will not run for president in 2008. Most of the Dean activists supported and contributed money to Kerry after he became the Democratic nominee.'-from the AP story today.

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