Tuesday, January 25, 2005

''Making Dean's List''

Dan Balz, one of the top Beltway pundits, writes about the horse race in Wednesday's Washington Post: "Dean is using endorsements strategically to convey breadth of support. Last week he announced that he has support from state party leaders in almost every region, including the South and Southwest. Still, several prominent DNC members said they believe the race for party chairman remains an open battle. Michigan Democratic Party Chairman Mark Brewer said in an interview Monday that he believes talk of Dean's momentum is overstated, and Donna Brazile, campaign manager for Al Gore in 2000, left a voice-mail message saying, "This . . . thing ain't over." Party officials and strategists said former representative Martin Frost of Texas appears to be Dean's principal competition but cautioned that the field is fluid." I think the Beltway crowd is still nervous about Dean, don't you? Meanwhile, "MoveOn.org Joining DNC Chair Battle," is from MyDD. The Hill has, "Big labor weighs in on DNC." The article says they haven't made any decision yet, so the headline is puzzling.

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