Friday, January 21, 2005

''Do You Suffer News Fatigue?''

"Sick of dour headlines? Too much Bush and war and death and homophobia and Bush? You are not alone."-from today's column in the San Francisco Chronicle by Mark Morford. I have noticed a decline in my page hits for the last couple of days and have been searching for an explanation. Non-excutive summary: "Much to the GOP's delight, liberals and progressives across the land seem to be off their game right now, not reading as much and not following the media as closely and not really questioning the snide BushCo agenda that aggressively, barely able to tolerate even the slightest glimpse of Bush without a spiritual and physical gag, a karmic acid reflux, a sucker punch in the intellectual gut." The link is to The Smirking Chimp, where I found this, because the first comment is also very much worth reading.

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