Saturday, January 22, 2005

DNC Candidates Meet in Sacramento Today (UPDATED)

"If Democrats could clone (Bush presidential adviser) Karl Rove, they would jump at the opportunity -- as long as they could give him an ideology transplant,'' said political analyst Sherry Bebitch Jeffe. "The question is: Do you want someone to raise a ton of money under the new campaign finance laws, or do you want a great communicator?''-from the column in today's San Francisco Chronicle. Update: Kos goes after Roemer for his association with a right-wing think tank. The comments below the post continue the bashing. The AP wire has this new post from Sacramento from the DNC Regional meeting today: "My attitude is that they are going to run those ads anyway, so why not go down and stand up for what you believe in?" Dean said. "How are we going to convince people in Mississippi that their economic interests are the same as ours if we don't show up? It is incredibly insulting to people." JollyBuddah is blogging "Live from Sacramento" for MyDD. Also on MyDD, Chris Bowers takes issue with those who want to look at Democratic party issues as a right-left question: "Trying to create an ideological battle among Democrats makes perfect sense, actually. For the Noise Machine to succeed, and to continue to push the nation to the right, people need to believe that there is no Noise Machine. As long as people are told the race for chair is about ideology, and not reform, the Noise Machine remains invisible, and conservatism triumphs."-from the post, "Noise Machine Pushing Ideology Into Race For Chair."

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